Have you connected with your 'inner Goddess'? Perhaps, it is Freya? She is the Goddess in Norse mythology. She is the Goddess of Blessings, Love, Lust, and Fertility.
In my recent study of the Runes and my practice of Rune reading. I had the pleasure of connecting with the Goddess Freya! She magically appeared to me as my Rune Guide! I have since channeled messages from her that are relevant today, for the divine feminine power that women embody. Her message is for all women to connect with our divine feminine power. We carry this power within ourselves. We embody it, and she encourages us to work with it, understand it, trust it, and connect with it. She is there for all feminine workers of light! If you need her guidance, all you need to do is call upon her. She is right there willing to assist us today, in our modern world. She encourages us to connect with nature, for this is the 'Divine Natural Church'. It is in nature that we connect with the flow of Mother Earth, and the Natural World. Freya is sending us her message that the Natural order of the earth, and the cosmos is a constant. It is, and always will be. Call upon her to connect you with the beauty, power, and flow of the natural world. It is there, you will find your strength and feminine power. Like a mighty river that flows to the sea. Freya is standing with us, to help our inner flow. It is an inner power, an inner beauty. I hope you will ask for her assistance in your life. She works with us in our divination and love of nature. Peace, Love and Light to all! Rev. Melissa