Rev Melissa Kennedy
Psychic Medium
Animal Communicator
Energy Healer
Spiritual Teacher
Intuitive Artist


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Hello: My Name is Rev. Melissa

 I am your Psychic 
It is rather bold to call oneself psychic but, I would not be speaking
my truth, if I did not call myself that. What is a psychic you might ask?

A psychic by definition is someone who can relate or denote faculties
or phenomena that are not apparent by inexplicable natural laws, especially
involving telepathy or any of the commonly known clairs.  
Such as clairvoyance (clear seeing)
clairaudience (clear hearing) clairsentience(clear feeling) 
claircognizance (clear knowing)
clairgustance (clear tasting) clairalience (clear smelling)

I happen to embody every one of these 'clairs'. 
I am also an empath (an empath is someone who has the paranormal ability 
to apprehend the mental or emotional state of another individual), 
Which amplifies these senses or clairs even more.

First and foremost I am a healer. I firmly believe that in connecting with our
divine spark, healing begins to unfold in our lives. I truly believe that all
Intuitive work with my clients is healing on some level. Every session is
infused with divine light and love. I am attuned to many different healing
modalities Including Reiki and Atlantean Healing. I take a very focused
approach with my clients in regards to healing. By opening up your own
awareness to your own Intuitive nature, we work together for your highest
and best good, in this now moment in time.

I am also an Angel Channel or Communicator.  
All of my psychic readings are Angel guided.
So you can be sure the messages you receive are purely divine.  
I am merely the conduit of this free flowing energy and information. 

What does this all mean you might ask?
It means that as I have grown in years and wisdom. I have
developed these spiritual gifts. I am now able to understand them
and recognize how they work for me and now I can use them to help others.
So, that is what this site is about. It is my life mission to help others
live an abundant spiritual life, with clear intentions, and clear focus.
I also draw upon my educational background
in Metaphysical Science, to help others. I am not merely a follower of the Divine,
I am a disciple. I have fully immersed myself in the pursuit of Divine Truths.
I hold my Degree in Metaphysical Science and am presently studying for my Ph.D.

What can I do with my training and wisdom? I can provide you insight
Into some areas that may be keeping you from living your best spiritual life.
Chances are, if you are looking for a psychic or any kind or an Intuitive,
You are probably a very intuitively aware person yourself.
It is a total synchronicity that you have found my page.

I hope that this helps you to understand some of what a psychic can do for you.

What you can count on with me when I do readings is I always work
With my Angels and guides, in unison with yours
For your highest good and best outcome.

I also offer one on one Mentorship Sessions for people
who are on their spiritual awakening path or journey.
I am not here to drive the vehicle, I am here to hand you the keys!
I love helping other's to trust their intuition
And embrace all things 'Spiritual, Divine and Metaphysical'.

Life is not as black and white as what we have been led to believe.
There is a vastness of Universal knowledge and energy,
Just waiting for mankind to embrace it, and use it to the best of our abilities.
I envision a world where one day, people will not be considered strange,
Taboo, or outside of the box, if you will, for embracing
All of what life has to offer us, spiritually, and metaphysically.

If you are still with me. Feel free to drop me a message to book an appt.

I am always available to answer questions.

email me 

Or text message @918.351.5182

I can't wait to connect with you.

~ You can find me on facebook under Rev Melissa Kennedy

You can also follow me on youtube!
Rev Melissa Kennedy & My Live Podcast
Spiritual Awakening Talk & Stories

Also please check out my podcast!

Check out my guest appearance of A1R Psychic Radio W/Rev Eliot's Magickal Window
March 24, 2021

A link to my Angel Painting Readings 

visit my Bio on

In the graduates in action section

For your convenience

Some other ways to pay for services$Spiritfilled1

Zelle -

Thank You for visiting!


Rev. Melissa


The Universe waits patiently, while humanity is being invited to release the old paradigm of division & separation.

Our soul is ancient * Its experiences are vast. Our star families are watching over us. 

We are being inspired to create, express, and to elevate to higher levels of consciousness. Angels and Ancestors have many shapes and forms. They are benevolence and their language is love. Humanity is being called to release its fears. The language of our Universe is L💚VE.  We are being called out of old programming, that has implanted the concept of division.  When humanity unites as ‘ONE’, we will be the strongest collective thought.  There will be no malevolent force that could ever divide us or bring us down. 

(Bryan F Rosado Art) #lyralove #lyra #lyranstarseed


Today I Rest...

You have been working hard brave warrior of light...

It is not easy to have the love of the Universe...

Shining so brightly from within...

What if you shared all of that light that is inside? 

Would they ever understand? 

Fear not, brave warrior of light..

You have sat with your darkness, 

under the gentle moonlight...

You have danced in the sunshine... 

The rays softly caressing your skin...

Fear not brave warrior of light... 

For the things that you have discovered... 

Way down deep in your soul.. 

Are yours to keep.. To have and to hold... 

From here, and into eternity...

Your light has grown so big and so bright...

There is no building that can contain you...

There is no mountain that you can not climb...

You have made peace with your shadow..

.You will forever walk in the light...

rvmk copyright reserved 


A Channeled Message of Love From Archangel Chamuel

A Channeled Message from:  Archangel Chamuel
Channeled By: Rev Melissa Kennedy 12/26/22

Greetings ~ It is I: Archangel Chamuel ~ You may not know me, or who I am or what my role is in this Universe. I am the purveyor, if you will, of unconditional love. My message today is simple, yet some find the very essence or concept of love difficult to understand or grasp. You may feel, love, is simply a feeling, that you should be experiencing at all times, especially when it comes to a relationship with a partner. This kind of expectation is the very thing that brings so many out of the frequency of love. Love is a state of being, it is a choice and a decision we make at any given moment, and in any situation that is presented to us. You may feel that love is somehow, something you can control, or measure, or keep track of. You may expect that love is something, that if given, it should then be returned by the one that we have chosen to give love to. This is not always the case, you see, the Universe is in complete reciprocity with where all of this love needs to go. The universe is in accordance with the one heart, and as individual aspects of that one heart we should understand that love is something that we all have an abundance of each and every day. I am Archangel Chamuel, I understand all matters of the heart. I am the overseer of the heart of mankind. If you look out, at our world today, we have too many people in the mindset of lack or need in regard to love. Love is something that we all want, yet so many find this an elusive conquest. If I may, I need to remind you, could it be, you are missing the point about love, itself? Step outside of yourself, out of your ego mind, and realize love is a choice. You can choose to love yourself; you can choose to be in perfect peace within your inner heart, your inner house, that is where all the love you need can be found. Silly humans, you are never alone, you are never devoid of love. There is a light so bright, inside of each and every one of you. It is like your own little power station of love. Can you picture that? I Archangel Chamuel, promise to be here with you, each step of the way, as you will truly figure out, this love that you chase, that you long for, that your heart and mind needs, is already right there inside. All you have to do is connect with that divine spark of love and then choose to radiate that love out into all of the dark places of our world today. Open your eyes to the places that need your love. When you are consumed by creating, and connecting into that perfect, limitless, wellspring of love within, I promise, you will never feel in lack of love again. Do you want to know a secret? There is a world out there just waiting for you to turn up the dial on that love you have within. How do you save the world? You just decide to love everyone and everything, unconditionally. Remember, love has no limits. . If you need more assistance in the ways of love, invoke my name, I will help you to create and become that love you wish to see in your life.
I love you all, Archangel Chamuel

A Channeled Message With Archangel Chamuel
By: Rev Melissa Kennedy 12/26/22

As predicted by:  Rev Melissa Kennedy

2023 Is going to be the Year of The Heart ~ We will be called to clear, cleanse and heal, all matters of the heart.  It is advisable to get a green Aventurine Crystal, and a Rose Quartz Crystal, to amplify your connection to divine love


A message from the Universe**You are loved, you are protected and you are Divinely Guided. When we unite with the Divine presence within, only beautiful things can enter our lives. Even when things are not feeling all sunshine and light. We are challenged to dig deep, and go within. We trust, that even in the days of darkness and despair, The Universe is always working for our highest and best good. Each new day is an opportunity to rise above it all, like the Phoenix! Higher perspective from within, higher perspective form without! Together we soar! Peace, Love & Light to All! Rev Melissa



  • In a world that seems to hold so much Darkness.  There is always light, there is always hope. Love always finds a way. Love is the most enduring of all emotions.  It is always right there, below the surface, buried deep, sometimes as we gently unearth its light, we see the beauty in its flaws. The unfolding of the enduring spirit, that resides in the hearts of all living beings.   When we open our hearts to love in all of its forms, in all of its creation, in all of its materialization in every embodiment, in every gesture of peace and kindness.  It is then that all mankind and the creatures of the earth will become one in this beautiful dance of life. Love flows like a fountain with no end, always keep your heart open to its truest, purest, and unexpected sources.   This is a story about love, it is the embodiment of  love, in every sense of the word and all that resides in the very recesses of its very manifestations here in our world, in our hearts, and minds. Love is the light that lives, it burns so bright, it glows from the inside out, despite any darkness.  The year of 2020 has been a borage of every kind of human emotion.  It has been a test to the human psyche, the human mind, and our enduring spirit, that prevails, even in the midst of uncertainty, fear, and the unknown.    This is a story about a Black Cat that seemingly appeared from out of nowhere, totally lost, afraid, and neglected. A Black Cat that clearly had been given the short end of life's stick. Yet, when our eyes met, I knew he would be mine.    A month before Midnight had miraculously appeared from behind some bushes at my farm, I had been thinking, I really need a black cat!   It had been years since I had one.  I am talking, for many years.  I was probably 8 years old, the last time I had a black cat.   I am a grown woman now, my children are grown as well, so that will give you an idea of just how long it has been.  I will add that this entire process, with the appearance of Midnight in my life, has reconnected me to my youth in more ways than I can list. The most beautiful thought that occurred to me, in the building of our relationship is;  Midnight made me feel like I was 8 yrs. Old again.  He ignited that pure, innocent love, of a child's heart, that wanted so badly to let him know, that life is not as cruel as it had been handed to him, up until this point of our meeting.  His appearance ignited within me, the flame of pure, innocent intention, of unconditional love.  My heart, my soul, my entire being, was calling out to his battered little heart and soul.  I think I needed a friend more than he did. I think I needed to feel hope, I needed to feel triumph over tragedy, I needed to experience unconditional love and healing.  It has since come to me, that Midnight was the only thing that could have ever restored my hope, my innocence, my enduring spirit to give love, and receive love, in its purest of forms.  Animals have that gift, no human being can ever seem to 
  • measure up.  We are so flawed in our form of love for each other.  I often ponder, what would my life be without all of the beautiful animals I have had the pleasure of having in my life, up until this point? There are seemingly, countless, that have helped me understand and experience that bond between animal and human, that magical bond of unconditional love. To the observer, there seems to be no dialogue at all between the two beings.  I can assure you, the language of the heart, is speaking volumes at any given moment.  Communication happens without words, even between human beings. We are energy, embodied.  We give it off, we receive it in all interactions and with all beings. Our vibration, our energy signature even impacts our own spaces where we live and dwell.  When we vibrate at the highest frequencies of love, I think love is brought to us, right when we need it most.  We just have to be open to every manifestation of this love, in our physical reality!  Midnight, though he was skittish, malnourished and full of fear, anxiety and trauma, somehow felt my vibration of love, that I had been sending out, manifesting it back to me.  I had been telling some friends prior to Midnight's appearance that I really wanted a black cat! Then shortly after my verbal expression of my desire for a black cat in my life.  I had a dream of a beautiful black cat.  For me, this is not unusual because what I am manifesting in my life will appear to me in the dream state. I then told a friend I had a dream about a beautiful black cat and once again I said that I really needed a black cat in my life and I would really like to get one but, since I already had three cats at the farm, I just could not justify getting another one.  I mean, at this time I already had  four  horses, two French Bulldogs, three cats, and a gaggle of chickens!  How could I justify getting another cat? My husband would be like, oh no, here she goes again!   I did not want to even tell him, I wanted a black cat! Though he has been super enabling, as far as supporting my enduring love for saving every stray I can find.  I just could not tell him my new hearts desire was a Black Cat! Not too long after I had the dream of the beautiful black cat, this same cat appeared to me psychically!  I had a clairvoyant vision of him. His eyes were the most mesmerizing golden eyes I had ever seen!   I was like, okay Universe, you are playing with me!  It was not a week later, after his clairvoyant vision that Midnight appeared in my yard! He was hiding behind some bushes and peered out at me after my sweet little temptress, Mittens walked out from the very spot he had appeared!  There is no doubt she brought him home! He followed her, I mean, everyone is looking for love, and sometimes in all the wrong places! But, not this time!  My heart literally leaped with joy!! I could hardly believe it, there was my Black Cat!  When our eyes Met, it was love at first sight! It was the kind of eye locking moment that you realize, there is work up ahead, there is a lot of healing that is going to have to take place but, the love is there, behind the eyes of fear, the light struck me, like a flash.  There was never any doubt that I would be able to tame him down, and show him that love, hope and a family was his. He just had to work with me.  I had plenty of time. I mean what else do you have to do during a pandemic?   It took me nearly a month to be able to reach out and pat Midnight.  I would feed him special canned chicken.  It is amazing what canned chicken can do to win the heart of a starving, petrified cat.  The first time I gently touched him, he bolted.  It was progress, yet my heart hurt, because I know how badly he had been treated.  Gradually, as the days progressed, Midnight would come out of the brush where he slept, at the sound of my voice, calling him by name.  I 
  • could see the delight in his eyes, that someone cared enough to call him by name, and he happily obliged by being very vocal back and he would eventually, slowly approach me.  I would sit on the end of my open horse trailer, and feed him there every day.  I kept a routine.  I gradually moved the food dish closer to me every time I would feed him.  He would position himself so his tail would touch my leg as he ate his food. I could tell, he just loved that little bit of human contact.  We then got to a place where I could pat him, and eventually, he would just come up to me, brush against my legs, and welcome me to his yard!  It just made my heart happy.  Every time he brushed against my legs, I could feel the love, and clearing energy, he was returning the favor of my kindness ten fold, and if there was ever a time I needed clearing, it was right now, in this train wreck I call 2020!  We gradually moved from outside spaces of contact to the interior of the barn, again, this took time for Midnight to feel safe in a closed space, even though I had the barn door wide open. I would sit in my chair, and my next goal was to have him sit in my lap. This too eventually happened.  When it did, once again my adult heart was replaced with the pure love and innocence of a child’s heart! His body was so warm as he sat in my lap, it was then that I figured out, Midnight was a natural healer.  I know the energy signature of a healer, as I am one myself.  The first time he jumped in my lap, I could feel the warmth of his unconditional love, my entire body was filled with the heat from his healing energy and love! It was so warm, it felt like I was having a hot flash!  Then when he finally decided he had been in my lap long enough, when he jumped off, the bottom half of my body went weak.  You know that feeling, of your very first kiss, your first true love, when your knees get weak?  That is the love Midnight gifted me with! Once again, I was like a young girl again!  What an amazing spirit, what an amazing gift Midnight has been!  My next goal is to make him my office cat.  We have been working on getting him comfortable inside of the house. His trust in me, allows him to overcome his fear of being trapped inside.  It is such a good feeling to know that he now looks to me, a kind human, for safety.  I look forward to so many more milestones with Midnight, and I know, he will go down as one of the most enduring love stories of my entire life.  We truly have a bond that transcends space and time.  There is no doubt in my mind, Midnight and I have been together through many lifetimes.  He is without a doubt, a familiar.  To me his appearance in my life, at this perfect moment in time for me, is proof of how the Universe is always working on our behalf.  We just have to have the heart and mind of a child.  We can never stop believing in miracles. We can never stop believing that we deserve them!  Keep dreaming, keep manifesting all of your hearts desires!   If you want a Black CAT! Go and adopt one! Black cats have had a stigma attached to them. Trust me, the love you will receive from a black cat, is Magical, and Mystical in all ways that are good for the soul!  I don’t know about you but, I personally enjoy the Mystical and Magical things that life has to offer us! I am open to it all, even in the form of a Wayward, and once lost Soul, that I call Midnight.    Midnight You Have Found Your Place In This Crazy Year 2020  Peace to all, human and animals alike.     
  • A True Story, Written By:  Melissa Kennedy  An Animal Communicator, Intuitive Healer, Spiritual Advisor   As a side note: To all of the people out there that are open to all things unexplained, and not yet embraced by the masses - Midnight has been with me in this lifetime, he was that cat I spoke of, from my earlier years (In that incarnation with me, he was tragically hit by a car, it was my first devastating loss, I will never forget it).  My Brother and I both stayed home from School the next day.  We had lost our first family member.   Midnight has also appeared to me clairvoyantly, wearing the cutest little golden crown. He is truly an ascended, higher being. (AS are most cats, or dare I say all cats)!  We also shared a life in Egypt.  He was actually a cat being, like you see in the Egyptian hieroglyphics. Half man, half cat.   He has shown me images of what we looked like together in that lifetime.  So amazing, he has also shown me some pyramids with ancient writing on them, rising up from the earth.  The pyramid is covered in moss, and as it rises above the surface of the earth, the moss disappears and the pyramid becomes dark black in color with purple and green ancient writing.  I can’t wait to see what else Midnight has to share with me.  He is truly a deep and soulful being!                     

**As you can see, my dream came to full fruition**! Midnight is a much Loved house cat, and my healing support cat! He heals me, while I heal others! xo Rev M 

This is an Original Story written by: Melissa Kennedy, All copy rights reserved.  


The Black Wolf I know as Shamano! 🖤🐾

A Wolf Known As Romeo, But I know him as Shamano (
Just recently I stumbled upon the story of a Black Wolf who wandered out of the woods one day and became a friend to man. (You can read his story, or watch videos about him on youtube). He also has a facebook page.


The author of his book, is the admin his facebook page. I had the pleasure of conversing with him via Romeo's Page.

When I saw his story, and picture. I was immediately captivated by his deep soulful eyes. I knew I had to connect with him. I have had several conversations with him but, when I found out how deeply spiritual and wise this wolf was. I had to ask him if he had any words of wisdom for me. This was his message to me on 2/13/20. I really feel he was preparing me for what was to come, in our world right now. I hope that his wisdom soothes your spirit and your mind during these difficult times.

First let me tell you that in our first conversation. I asked this Wolf his name. The name that 'he' called himself.
He told me it was 'Shamano'. I had never heard this name before so, I looked it up. Shamano means 'Gift Of God'.
I sobbed mournfully when I learned his name. If you read his story you will understand why. (His life was taken by gunshot) I howled like a wolf, I cried so deeply, when I learned his fate. Still, he left his wolf family and adopted mankind a his family. In the end, both had betrayed him. The love, bravery and trust he showed will forever live in my heart. 

Here is what Shamano's message was to me. & I wanted to share it with you. He said:

I have seen civilizations come and I have seen them go. We all walk the path of the 'Lone Wolf'. Do not fear, this is not the end. Nothing truly ends. Only things fade away and then become more in focus. We sleep, then we wake up. To dream is to live, and to live is to dream. Consciousness only alters, it never ends. You see me? You still hear me? I am SHAMANO. My spirit is eternal. One day, we all walk the path of the stars.
Yes, we will, I will see you there, Shamano! 🐺

This is an original story by: Melissa Kennedy (*F), (An Animal Communicator) and copy rights reserved


The Universe reveals itself to us through all of creation. Art inspires the mind to look beyond the ordinary perceptions. The abstract can become the concrete. It is all in the expanses of the mind, in union with the conscious and subconscious mind.

Through art, beauty and messages speak to the soul! This is one of my most recent Intuitive Angel Paintings that I did for a client.  This image reveals her deep connection to the Christ Light Consciousness, and the Angels Metatron, Azrael and Zadkiel also appeared for my client. This painting also holds messages from Animal Spirit Guides for my client.  It embodies messages from the Spirit Of The Owl, as well as the Butterfly and the Bee!  I am always amazed at what spirit reveals to me when I meditate and place the paint to canvas.  The pictures and messages are like a free flowing river of divine wisdom.  Each painting is infused with the vibration, healing, and frequencies from the angels. This energy is constant, the healing received is truly divine.  I am presently writing a book that reveals the messages within these images.  My hope is to raise the awareness that the presence of Angels surrounds us all.  The Divine and this Universal presence created Angels to watch over us.  They never let us down.  Call upon Angels for all of the experiences in your life. They wait for us to call upon them.  May Angels protect you and guide you throughout your entire lifetime.


Rev. Melissa 


It is with great pleasure that Melissa offers a new service. Inspired by the Angels in a dream.  Melissa is now offering personalized Intuitive Angel Paintings with a personalized reading.  Have you ever wondered which Angels are around you? Do you have a love for Angels? So does Melissa! She has had a fascination and love of them her entire life. She actually saw an Angel when she was a young girl of 5 years old.  It was a beautiful large angel that hovered and floated across a room.  She has seen Angels with her eyes in the physical world on several different occasion throughout her life.  Each time they have appeared it has stayed in her heart and mind.  Melissa also sees Angels in her Clairvoyant sight.  She sees them as colors, and also as forms. If you would like a personalized painting please visit our Booking section.  


Greetings:  I am Archangel Jeremiel!

I assist all with clearing of negative thought patterns, and shadows of their being that no longer serve them. I work in a very loving and subtle way. I may bring to mind some of your past memories to help you understand the present situation you may be finding difficult or burdensome.  One can never fully understand themselves unless the full picture is brought into focus. With the remembrances of past experiences, this helps all who wish to work with me to ground into the present moment and focus on what is really important right now. You may ask yourself, how can I better handle this situation for my highest and best good, so I do not fail this life test again?  I say fail because in the human form things are centered around earthly success and failure.  Please understand that all experiences are for your souls growth. Earth is indeed the greatest school and some would say one of the hardest teachers! Please know, you are never alone, I Archangel Jeremiel will be your support through all of the things that come to the surface that no longer your serve you in ways of the spirit. Do not hesitate to call upon me, I can help you clear old ways of thinking and integrate into your psyche new ways that are both healing and beneficial for your soul purpose and you life mission her on earth. Be well, and know that you are never alone, you are loved and held always by me, and all of the Angelic beings of light. We are but a call away. Merely think of us, and we are there to assist. 

A Channeled Message from: Rev Melissa 

Love, Peace and Angel Blessings to all!


A Beautiful Channeled Message from Ganesh

A message for the collective from Ganesh11/23/20Today while meditating, Ganesh came in and told me he wants to and is working with me.  Bringing me his beautiful colorful crystalline energy, I hear tinkling of little bells, as he enters in.  I feel my eyes water as this tinkling sound raises my vibration.  He is giving us music of the Hindu or Indian nature to connect with him. He brings us positivity, abundance, blessings. A beautiful bounty of delicious food, so much fruit, foul, a beautiful bounty.  He lays it out before us.  The food represents abundance but, not in Mammon. It symbolizes life as a table of plenty. Free flowing love, energy, divinity.  Ganesh wants to share this bounty with his followers. Meditate, ask, and you will receive these gifts.  Both in mana, and spiritual riches.    He is sharing his knowledge of manifestation with us.  He wants us to know, we think, therefore; we have. We are never in a state of want, if we know we already embody and have all the blessings we need. Trust, the right situations, the right path, the right people will flow to you as they are needed for your highest and best good! He is wishing all of us in the USA an abundant and Blessed Thanksgiving Day.  He imparts that GRATITUDE for this year is necessary.  Reflection is called upon now. Take this time to ponder the gifts, the blessings, even in the hardships, and difficulties. We are Blessed.  Together, we give Thanks. Thank You Ganesh for your beautiful light, and message! Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Peace, Love, Light & Blessings to All! Rev Melissa


Spirit directed my attention to the Cherry Blossom this morning.

Spirit works with me in so many ways.  This morning, the first image that I was given clairvoyantly was a beautiful Cherry Blossom Tree in full bloom.  The year 2020 has been one of great trials and transformation for the collective of the earth.  Like the cherry blossom, our lives here are short in comparison to the millennia to which we have very limited knowledge of.  The beauty of the blossoms are fragrant and they are to be enjoyed and savored.  So too, should our lives be viewed with such adoring eyes for the beauty our souls embody, as we travel our earthly journey.  Take time to savor all of the beauty that surrounds you every day.  Give thanks in all things, our time here is short, do not let the little things bog you down! Keep your sight on the beauty of process, and your individual journey.  Like the Cherry Blossom, you are beauty, you are magnificent, you are inspiration and brilliant colorful light to the World! 

Peace, Love, Light, and Blessings to all!

Rev. Melissa 


Have you connected with your 'inner Goddess'? Perhaps, it is Freya? She is the Goddess in Norse mythology. She is the Goddess of Blessings, Love, Lust, and Fertility.

In my recent study of the Runes and my practice of Rune reading.  I had the pleasure of connecting with the Goddess Freya! She magically appeared to me as my Rune Guide! I have since channeled messages from her that are relevant today, for the divine feminine power that women embody.  Her message is for all women to connect with our divine feminine power.  We carry this power within ourselves. We embody it, and she encourages us to work with it, understand it, trust it, and connect with it.  She is there for all feminine workers of light! If you need her guidance, all you need to do is call upon her.  She is right there willing to assist us today, in our  modern world.  She encourages us to connect with nature, for this is the 'Divine Natural Church'. It is in nature that we connect with the flow of Mother Earth, and the Natural World. Freya is sending us her message that the Natural order of the earth, and the cosmos is a constant.  It is, and always will be. Call upon her to connect you with the beauty, power, and flow of the natural world.  It is there, you will find your strength and feminine power.  Like a mighty river that flows to the sea.  Freya is standing with us, to help our inner flow.  It is an inner power, an inner beauty.  I hope you will ask for her assistance in your life.  She works with us in our divination and love of nature.  Peace, Love and Light to all!   Rev. Melissa 

  • Oklahoma, United States

Please txt your message to book an appt. 918.351.5182 Thank You